The podcast for the people

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On this week’s Filmsuck we’re creeped out by The Vow, a nine-episode HBO docuseries about the NXIVM cult financed by wealthy Seagram liquor fortune heirs Claire and Sara Bronfman. The series focuses on members who escaped what they’d initially seen as a self-realization program until they realized it was a racket covering up sex slavery, sex trafficking, racketeering, forced labor conspiracy, and other crimes. Special bonus: pubic region branding!



Filetype: MP3 - Size: 110.95MB - Duration: 1:20:47 m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)


Welcome to Filmsuck, the film podcast for the people. Hosted by Eileen Jones and Evgenia Kovda.

NB: Evgenia is no longer with the podcast and this page is not being updated. For new Filmsuck episodes, go here and subscribe today!