The podcast for the people

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Episode #16: Fashion Forward


In this episode Evgenia and Eileen talk about fashion and the importance of looking good in the End Times. And Eileen interviews the writer-director producer-team of Todd Hughes and P. David Ebersole, whose new documentary House of Cardin premieres at the Venice Film Festival on September 6. The film investigates the legendary forward-thinking fashion designer Pierre Cardin,who was called “the socialist of fashion” for being the first to design a ready-to-wear clothing line for the people in 1959, scandalizing the world of haute couture. He created the futuristic 1960s fashions inspired by the Space Age, he was the first to produce a menswear line, he was the first to hire women of color as models, and his designs for clothing, furniture, and housewares still look like the future we’ll never actually have!



Filetype: MP3 - Size: 103.17MB - Duration: 1:15:07 m (192 kbps 44100 Hz)


Welcome to Filmsuck, the film podcast for the people. Hosted by Eileen Jones and Evgenia Kovda.

NB: Evgenia is no longer with the podcast and this page is not being updated. For new Filmsuck episodes, go here and subscribe today!