The podcast for the people

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Episode #1: New Year's Coen Brothers Special


In this episode, Evgenia interviews Eileen on a subject she has frequently taught at UC Berkeley: the films of the Coen brothers. 

We talk about the Coens’ early development as filmmakers, their work process, their status as reluctant auteurs, their embrace of genre filmmaking, some dominant themes and motifs of their films, their literary and philosophical tendencies, and their reception by critics and audiences, with a special emphasis on their latest film currently running on Netflix, "The Ballad of Buster Scruggs".

This is our first episode. We'll be releasing regular biweekly episodes of Filmsuck starting in February. 

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Filetype: MP3 - Size: 108.19MB - Duration: 1:57:47 m (128 kbps 44100 Hz)


Welcome to Filmsuck, the film podcast for the people. Hosted by Eileen Jones and Evgenia Kovda.

NB: Evgenia is no longer with the podcast and this page is not being updated. For new Filmsuck episodes, go here and subscribe today!